
Elasticmagic has a simple and powerful DSL to define queries.

How it works


To start writing queries you need a custom class which represents you document in Elasticsearch and extends Elasticmagic Doc class.

Assume we have document Laptop in Elasticseach with the next mapping:

properties: {
model: {
type: 'string',
cpu: {
type: 'integer',
price: {
type: 'float',
manufactured_at: {
type: 'date',
manufacturer_id: {
type: 'integer',
for_games: {
type: 'boolean',

Let's declare custom document.

You have to specify docType so the Elasticmagic will know which real document in Elasticseach this class represents.

import { Doc } from 'elasticmagic';
class LaptopDoc extends Doc {
public static docType: string = 'laptop';

Next declare static properties which maps the mapping of the document in Elasticsearch.

import {
} from 'elasticmagic';
class LaptopDoc extends Doc {
public static docType: string = 'laptop';
public static model = new Field(StringType, 'model', Laptop);
public static cpu = new Field(IntegerType, 'cpu', Laptop);
public static price = new Field(FloatType, 'price', Laptop);
public static manufacturerId = new Field(IntegerType, 'manufacturer_id', Laptop);
public static manufacturedAt = new Field(DateType, 'manufactured_at', Laptop);
public static forGames = new Field(BooleanType, 'for_games', Laptop);

If you planning to retreiveing source from document you have to declare instance properties.

Instance properies will be populated from _source field in hit object of the result, so the former must be in same case as fields in Elasticsearch;

Conventionaly, you can declare instance properties below static properties.

import {
} from 'elasticmagic';
class LaptopDoc extends Doc {
public static docType: string = 'laptop';
public static model = new Field(StringType, 'model', Laptop);
public static cpu = new Field(IntegerType, 'cpu', Laptop);
public static price = new Field(FloatType, 'price', Laptop);
public static manufacturerId = new Field(IntegerType, 'manufacturer_id', Laptop);
public static manufacturedAt = new Field(DateType, 'manufactured_at', Laptop);
public static forGames = new Field(BooleanType, 'for_games', Laptop);
public model?: string;
public cpu?: number;
public price?: number;
public manufactured_id?: number;
public manufactured_at?: string; // ISO format string
public for_games?: boolean;
Creating search query

Now you are ready to start building search query.

SearchQuery instance can be created in 3 ways.

  • new SearchQuery() - will create unbound SearchQuery instance. Its enough to build a query, but to make a search request you have to bind query to Index or Cluster instance.
  • new Cluster(...).searchQuery() - will created SearchQuery instance bounded to Cluster.
  • new Index(...).searchQuery() - will created SearchQuery instance bounded to Index.

Prefered way is to call .searchQuery() on index or cluster;

Adding filters

Each static propery of type Field has a list of methods used to build query. Its same as TODO link to es docs.

For using bool expressions you can import Bool class from Elasticmagic.

import {
} from 'elasticmagic';
const query = new SearchQuery()
LaptopDoc.model.eq('Lenovo 530S'),

And that's it. You have built a query.

To see the json that Elasticmagic will generate to you:

// or JSON.stringified and formatted string
Cloning query

SearchQuery instance is mutable so each chained method changes its state.

If you want to start building another one query based on one you've already created, just call .clone() method on SearchQuery instance.

Next we will run search query against Elasticsearch


To be able make queryies to Elasticsearch you have to create Cluster.

Cluster represents Elasticsearch cluster and is binded to Elasticsearch Client from @elastic/elasticsearch package.

Let's create new Cluster instance.

import { Client } from '@elastic/elasticsearch';
import { Cluster } from 'elasticmagic';
const client = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' });
const cluster = new Cluster(client, 'laptop_index');

When passing index name as a second argument to Cluster, it will create Index instance under the hood.

Current Cluster implementation allows to make a query to only one index. Work on supporting multi index queries is in progress.

If you want to make a query to particular index, call .withIndex(<index_name_or_instance>) method on Cluster instance. withIndex will change index for the whole cluster.

If you want to specify different index for only one search query, you can call .withIndex(<index_instance>) on SearchQuery. It will change index only for this query.

Making a request to Elasticsearch

Let's make a query

import { Client } from '@elastic/elasticsearch';
import { Cluster } from 'elasticmagic';
const client = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' });
const cluster = new Cluster(client, 'laptop_index');
const query = cluster.searchQuery()
LaptopDoc.model.eq('Lenovo 530S'),
const result = await query.getResult();